Candida is the most common fungus in the human body – it is found in the mouth, skin, gut, digestive tract, toenails, rectum and vagina. It is actually a extremely important part of our gut’s microbiome because it recognises and destroys harmful bacteria. ...
You most probably already know this – but your skin is a reflection of whatever good or bad is going on inside of your body. Do you ever wonder why you get a massive blemish right before a huge work presentation? Or just before your wedding– or any event where you...
Are Serums as good as they say they are? Everyone talks about serums and how important they are to achieving glowing healthy skin. But are they really as good as they are touted to be? Do we really need them? Or is this another marketing ploy to get us to spend more...
I personally could not understand what the fuss was all about. Why are Gua Sha so popular? Why was everyone running out to buy Gua Sha’s? With the never-ending run of gadgets hitting the market with crazy prices on them, I just could not see why I should even...
Can the right amount of sleep for your personal needs be a better anti-ageing treatment than a 10 step K beauty regime? I believe it can. Why? Because for most of my life as a Beauty Therapist (38 years now!) I have watched my skin glow because I have had enough sleep...
This is the yummiest stewed apple recipe – no sugar required. This stewed apple is so fast to make and can be eaten at breakfast or even as a dessert with ice-cream. I avoid sugar and desserts as a rule – so this is usually eaten for breakfast. The cinnamon...
A toxic free, clean system is the most important part of staying healthy and living a long vibrant healthy life. Therefore ensuring that our body rids itself of toxic build-up to stay healthy is paramount. Most people instantly think liver cleanse, colon cleanse –...
Massage is one of the oldest and most effective facial treatments, which although ideally done by a beauty therapist, is something you can do at home daily – even if it is just for a minute or two every day. Even consciously massaging your facial creams, oils and...
If your hormones are out of whack – your skin won’t glow. In actual fact, your whole body won’t function at it’s very best at all! Happy balanced hormones are just as important for a healthy glowing you as having perfect gut health. Two perfect examples of what...
This is a question I am often asked – and my answer is – you don’t. Toners are just another way to make money out of you in this billion-dollar beauty industry filled with lies, smoke and mirrors. It is an unnecessary part of a skincare routine. If your...
This is my holistic, eco-ethical, anti-ageing beauty blog. Well, actually, it’s really yours.
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