Melrose Organic Flaxseed Oil


500 ml

Flaxseed Oil is the ultimate womans oil.

It improves skin quality, grows your fingernails, grows eyelashes, stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat- and the list goes on!

Melrose Organic Flaxseed Oil is cold-pressed from organically-grown Australian flaxseeds.
Flaxseed oil has one of the highest concentrations of plant-based omega-3 alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) and is an excellent vegan alternative to fish oil. ALA is converted to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the body, which are essential fatty acids required for optimal health and amazing skin and hair.

How to use

1 tablespoon (20mL) daily with food. Can be taken straight, used in salad dressings, added to a smoothie or drizzled over vegetables or your favourite breakfast.

Flaxseed Oil has a creamy, nutty and slightly bitter taste.

For medicinal purposes or to help with weight loss, eczema, speed up nail growth or hair growth take 2 tablespoons daily.

Keep refrigerated. To maintain quality and freshness keep bottle in carton. Best consumed within 12 weeks of opening. 



ACO Certified Organic

Melrose Flaxseed Oil is ACO Certified Organic, meaning there’s no pesticides, any unnecessary ingredients or any steps taken to get it from farm to you!

Cold-Pressed From Australian-Grown Flaxseeds

Organic Flaxseeds, cold pressed to retain aroma, flavour and nutrients. Free from any chemicals, solvents or any of the bad stuff!


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