Pumpkin seed oil – this humble seed oil which until now has been extremely difficult to find has now at long last been recognised as a miracle oil. Until its recognition – you used to have to eat huge handfuls of pumpkin seeds – and although I am a fan of...
85% of teenagers living in westernized civilizations suffer from acne – be it a few pimples – through to full blown acne. Those of us living in westernized countries – this includes all nations affected by westernized food – including Asia and Africa, accept acne as...
We all know that eating sugar doesn’t do our health or waistlines any favours, so that is nothing new. And although so many people’s diets have gone off the rails during a midnight chocolate, lollies or alcohol binge – an elevated sugar intake isn’t just the death...
We have all heard about the toxic side effects of chemical deodorants containing toxic ingredients such as aluminium – but unfortunately what no one talks about is the toxic side effects of your skincare, makeup and your perfume/cologne. These toxins are absorbed...
We live in a toxic diet culture where we associate nutrient dense foods to restrictive diets, and you are either celebrated for being unhealthily thin, or morbidly obese. We have forgotten how to listen to our bodies about what foods we should be eating – and that...
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