free of eczema

want a cure for eczema? i can help you.

by Nov 10, 20200 comments

For years I battled side by side with my clients supporting them through bad doses of eczema, trying out different creams, oils, lotions and potions.

Standing by them whilst they took different tablets, natural or prescribed. Biting my tongue when they told me that the dermatologist told them that this was all that they could do and to use……..

And then I did it – I made a promise to one of my clients that come hell or high water we would cure her of her misery, but I needed her to do exactly what I asked of her, and keep an open communication channel with me so we could work together  towards a cure.

And we did it,  we cured it, to this day 6 years later she maintains the skincare routine and takes the supplements as well as drinking her green drink –  and she is still eczema free.

Since her, I have successfully treated 1000s of other clients with just as much success, including Psoriasis and Dermatitis – similar treatment, similar process, great results!

Although each of the skin disorders are totally different from one another, they have three things in common – a inflammed weakened immune system, an acidic system, and gut flora which is out of whack, with a compromised, inflammed skin surface.

Once the body’s immune system is strengthened, the system is alkaline, and the gut flora is blooming beautifully again – the skin begins to repair itself.

The other problem when treating eczema – is that most of the topical creams only work to soothe the condition. They don’t rebuild the acid mantle (the skin’s protective ozone layer). Every time there is a flare-up, the skin’s ability to repair itself breaks down a little more, meaning that each flare-up becomes worse than the one before.

This is where the Everything Skin Cream works differently, it works to repair and rebuild the acid mantle – and when this is strong and healthy, the skin regenerates and repairs itself quickly, the flare-ups become less angry each time.

But in so saying, no product can get eczema under control, nor psoriasis or dermatitis without the sufferer’s insides being treated as well.

A few years ago, I had a beautiful bride to be, present herself with the worst eczema and skin I have ever seen.

Her beautiful face was just covered in eczema, and her lower face and neck were covered in horrible weeping gaping sores that would just not heal. I was desperate to help her.

She followed my instructions to the letter, which at one stage had her feeling nauseous and incredibly unwell as her body detoxed, but she stayed with me, and by her wedding day six weeks later, I had to stop myself from crying with joy as her skin was so beautiful it took my breath away.
I had never seen a bride look so luminescent, with such beautiful skin.

My beautiful bride had to go hardcore as we only had a short period of time to turn her skin around, but I have changed the program since then to improve the skin, but take away the trauma. I will also write down what I recommended for the six-week cure for those who cannot wait!!

For the slower – and less traumatic approach.

Weeks 1-4

Step 1.
Try to work out what causes the flare-ups, once you know the cause, be it food or stress, or environmental – or all three – you can work towards either removing the cause or managing it (e.g. Stress cannot be removed but managed through using relaxation techniques, calming elixirs etc.)

The reason I said try, is because sometimes there seems to be no pattern at all, and it may take quite a lot of detective work to work it out, through eliminating all of the likely causes.
Sometimes there is no obvious trigger as such, or there are multiple triggers, some worse than others.

There will be a trigger – it is just finding out what it is.

Step 2.

Drink 2 litres or more of purified or bottled water a day – ideally with a few pieces of lemon in it. The reason you need to drink purified water is that tap water is so full of chemicals, it kills all of the good bacteria in your gut.

Step 3.

Remove as many chemicals from your life as possible. Replace your household chemical cleaners with natural cleaners, they work just as well. If you find that your clothes and sheets are a cause of trauma, change your laundry detergent to a natural one, not a fragrance-free one, a natural one.

If you work in an environment surrounded by chemicals, try to avoid those as much as possible, by wearing gloves and face masks.

Step 4.

Change all of your skincare to natural skincare, with minimum scent or try the Everything Skin Cream and Everything Skin Oil. Even essential oils can inflame your skin, but the oils used in my cream don’t – orange and lavender oil have been chosen for their healing and soothing abilities.

Do not use sorbolene based products, just 100% natural products. A bridesmaid at one of my weddings lived in London and found it hard to source my recommended products, so we switched her to cleansing with coconut oil, and moisturizing with the same coconut oil mixed with Aloe Gel. She said that within 3 weeks her skin was soft and supple, her makeup went on smoothly and her partner kept touching her face, as he could not get over how beautiful it looked and felt.

Three months later she now uses the Everything Skin Cream and Everything Skin Oil and stays on the internal support, unfortunately, the cost of shipping to the UK is a little high.

Step 5.

Besides drinking at least 2 litres of purified water a day, cut coffee and tea down to one or two cups per day (not each). Herbal tea such as peppermint tea is an excellent option. Peppermint tea is soothing to the stomach and intestinal tract, so I personally like it, because eczema is caused due to an unhappy digestive system. Another beautiful tea for the skin is Twinning’s Digestive Tea – this settles the digestive system which helps with inflammation.

Keep alcohol to a minimum, if you must have a glass at night, only drink a good preservative-free red wine.

Step 6.

Eat a diet high in vegetables – 60% of every meal should contain vegetables (breakfast it can be fresh fruit, not dried).

Avoid all processed foods and foods containing sugar, dairy, and gluten.

Processed foods often contain sugars and fillers plus ingredients containing numbers which are potentially inflammatory for eczema. I know the above is hard to do – but just do your best – do not stress about it as this could cause more issues!
Eat enzymatic foods such as Kefir, Kombucha and sauerkraut. Sauerkraut in a jar from the supermarket, unfortunately, is not enzymatic anymore as it is dead – due to the heat from the bottling process. Look for it and other pickles in the fridge section – as these are still alive. Fresh pickles are good – just make sure they are not loaded with sugar – if clever in the kitchen – make your own!

Step 7.

• Buy a good chlorophyll and drink 10 – 20 ml in 1 litre of water daily. The Chlorophyll turns the body alkaline. The molecular structure is almost identical to haemoglobin except for the centre atom, which is magnesium. It is full of minerals, antioxidants and is wound healing. It also rebuilds the immune system. (Just be aware it may make you have to go to the toilet excessively as in number 2s – and they will be green. This is not a problem – this is your body flushing out the toxins.)
• Take six organic flaxseed tablets daily – 3 morning, 3 night. Flaxseed oil is full of Omega’s 3,6,9 and Essential Fatty Acids. It provides 50% more Omega 3 than you can get from taking fish oil. It is also full of B vitamins and other minerals. I recommend it for all women, it is one of the most important health-promoting superfoods we can take.
• A daily probiotic is also a must, I personally recommend you take it at the same time you take your Chlorophyll as it is a Prebiotic and will help the Probiotics reach your gut without being burned up by the digestive juices. Probiotics are essential to basic human nutrition. They are live organisms found in the human gut. Probiotics form a bioreactor that facilitates digestion, provides nutrients and supports the immune system. When we consume too many processed foods, coffee, and alcohol, as well as drinking chlorinated water from the tap, we kill off these important bacteria.

Step 8

Week 5 onwards.

Once you have been on this program for 4 weeks if you have any chlorophyll left, just keep taking it and or replace it with Chlorella.

Chlorella is high in protein, high in chlorophyll, antioxidants, essential amino acids, fatty acids, key vitamins, macro and trace elements. It also causes peristalsis of the bowel and supports the microflora in the gut. But most importantly it contains a compound called ‘Chlorella Growth Factor’ which has been shown in research to promote normal cell growth, this, of course, affects the skin. It has also been shown to be highly anti-ageing and detoxifies the liver and rebuilds it.

The reason I only introduce it at week 5 is because I have found that when I start people off on Chlorella the first week, even at the lowest dose, they often feel ill as it is incredibly detoxing.
But if you do not care about feeling seedy for a week, I recommend you start on this the first week. Want to go hardcore – take this and Chlorophyll at the same time.

This is the time you up the alkalinizing part of this treatment.

This is when you start your day with a green and or red smoothie. This will become a daily event for the rest of your life.

Although we are told to enjoy our green smoothies and have them filled with lots of wonderful bits – the truth of it is – if your green smoothie is full of fruits – it is also full of sugars.
So, the bad news is – all fruit bar the odd apple and a few berries is out.

The perfect green smoothie should contain 2 cups of vegetables – ideally those bought from farmers markets, or organic. I even prefer you use frozen organic vegetables instead of the normal vegetables off the shelf in the supermarket – because the distance many of them travel means that they have lost all of their nutrients.

My husband and I don’t care about the taste of our green/red smoothie – so we throw everything in, we have our greens mixed in with our reds – but if you actually want to have one which tastes reasonably pleasant – follow the next steps.
Alternate between a red smoothie day one, and a green smoothie day two. Or have one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The green smoothie

The green smoothie should contain green vegetables such as broccoli, celery, avocado, 1 apple if you need sweetness, parsley, kale, cucumbers, silverbeet, English spinach, chards, bok choy – see what I mean? But don’t have the same every day – buy a variety of vegetables so you get a variety of nutrients.

Add a scoop of greens powder – buy one with a wide range of nutrients in it – if it contains chlorella – you won’t have to buy that separately, although if you would like to go hardcore – take extra chlorella at night. The greens are important for creating an alkaline environment, assisting the digestion to function better, help clean the intestines and detox the liver.

Add purified water (not coconut water as it is hydrating but still full of sugars) and then a tablespoon of Flaxseed seed oil or avocado oil for their omegas and other lovely nutrients and good fats, and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for its alkalizing ability. It also helps your body to digest the greens.

You can add both oils at the same time – the more good fats your body consumes – the faster it will heal.

The red smoothie

This should contain red vegetables, such as carrots, beetroot, capsicums, tomatoes and you can add red berries for sweetness. Then add a scoop of red powder and water. Again, add a tablespoon of avocado and or flaxseed oil and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

The reds are full of polyphenols – and are incredibly high in antioxidants which stimulates collagen growth and supports the intestinal tract as well as repairing the skin.

If you don’t care about the taste – you can put both red and green scoops of powder together daily into water and add 2 cups of veggies. We have a vegetable garden and can buy organic vegetables – but at certain times of the year – we also buy frozen organics as we cannot grow much in our garden except for silverbeet, kale and beetroot and can only buy organic carrots – everything else has travelled 100s of miles.
I just throw in whatever we have fresh in the garden – so some days it tastes lovely and other days – we just gulp it down!

You can also add almonds, and hemp powder if you would like to make it into a protein smoothie – both are good for increasing collagen growth and giving your body the right kind of non- inflammatory protein it needs.

If your eczema or rosacea flares up around “that time of the month” the above is a great start to getting the flare-ups under control. If you still have problems, you may need to go on a herbal blend to balance out your hormones as well, but give the ‘cure’ at least a go for two to three cycles before going there as often the chlorella detoxes the liver, and intestines of excess hormones and the body are able to sort itself out all by itself.

The above treatment is in actual fact a great way to treat acne, ageing, and a sluggish system. To really kick-start the body for a healthier body all round, add a good liver tablet or buy a greens powder with milk thistle and dandelion in it (you can also pick dandelions – leaves and roots and add them to your drink – very good for you – just wash them well!)

You must continue to avoid processed foods, dairy, gluten and sugars at least for 3 months. After 3 months don’t go back hardcore – just enjoy a naughty every now and again – watch what your body does – does it react badly? Or nothing happens?

If nothing happens when you have gluten one day – you may be able to start eating it – same applies for dairy. Sugar and chemicals are still a no-no but if it means that you have a birthday cake every now and again or ice cream – as long as your skin doesn’t flare up – enjoy – if it flares up, your body is too sensitive and sorry – you just cannot go there. You may need to keep baking everything yourself.

If you need to eat something naughty – make it yourself. Replace sugar with coconut sugar, butter with coconut oil (buy the MCT oil – means you don’t have that coconuty taste. Replace milk with sugar-free soymilk or oat milk or rice milk. This way you can have gluten-free pancakes, cakes, and quiches.

Also, look out for vegan raw protein balls for a sugar-free healthy treat – but for the first few weeks, also avoid these as they are full of dried fruit sugars.

It is really important is to exercise for 15 minutes a day. You need to get the blood flowing and the lymphatic system removing the toxins. If you cannot get out – do a HITT session so you really sweat. Or a yoga session is also great for gently detoxing the body and stimulating the lymphatic system.

If you would like more help, book me for a Glowing Skin consultation – which I do via Zoom or face to face. I recommend you book a 1hour session for your first appointment.

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